sobota 24. srpna 2013

Ubytování - Eva

Má barcelonská kamarádka Eva mě poprosila, jestli bych nepřeposlala nabídku na ubytování všem svým kamarádům a známým, protože jim s koncem léta samozřejmě i ubývají klienti. Já si navíc myslím, že vám všem cestovatelům by se na výletě do Barcelony nějaký super levný, pohodlný a hezký bydlení mohlo docela hodit, ne? :) takže ji neváhejte kontaktovat zde:

Eva, my friend from Barcelona, asked me if I can pass along information about an apartment she's renting. With the ending summer there's of course some reducing of customers and she'd happily host everybody. I also think that you, my fellow travelers, would be really thankful for a super cheap, comfortable and nice accommodation in the city, no? Feel free to contact her here:


I have available a complete flat and 2 single rooms, everything for rent per days / weeks. Both options are in very comfortable and contemporary stances, located in the district of 'La Sagrera'.

Prices from September are:

- Complete apartment with double bed: € 30 per night.

- Individual rooms: € 12 per night.
For more information and photos, please contact me at

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